QuinkFair 2023 Update #4


  • Remember to buy your tickets, tell your friends!
  • Join us for the Presto-Quink work weekend July 8-9
  • Call for presenters and talent show acts
  • Ride Share form- offer a ride, find a ride, or get picked up from mass transit
  • ISO kitchen help
  • Scholarship tickets, work exchange tickets, and donations

If you missed them, you can read Update #1, Update #2, and Update #3 here.

QuinkFair 2023 is July 20-24th in Louisa, Virginia. If you haven’t purchased your ticket yet, now is the time- there are no ticket sales at the gate this year. If cost is a concern, work exchange and scholarship tickets are available (see more info below). 

Presto-Quink Work weekend– Come join us at ​​our build weekend “Presto Quink” on July 8-9th. We’ll be doing site prep, some building, and having tons of Quink-y fun. You can find more details and RSVP on the Facebook event link or by contacting Paxus Calta. 

Call for presenters and talent show acts– Do you have something in your life that brings a smile to your face, that you love to sing about or feel excited to share with others? We invite you to share this passion with others at Quink by signing up to present a song, an event, a talking circle or a workshop. Fill out our Call for Presenters form, or email Jade at jadetyde@gmail.com to sign up for the talent show.

Rideshare form– As in past years, we’re helping QuinkFair attendees to connect for carpools. To offer a ride, find a ride, or request a pickup from a transit station (train, bus, or plan) in Richmond or Charlottesville, please fill out this form.

Want to help in the kitchen? We’re looking for a meal lead or two (you’d be leading 1 or 2 helpers to make a predetermined menu), as well as kitchen helpers to wash, chop, mix, stir, and serve. You can volunteer in advance to be a meal lead, and in advance or on arrival to help. Get in touch with us at QuinkFair@gmail.com, please use the subject line “Helping in the kitchen”.

Scholarship applications and donations– Our Scholarship program is going strong thanks to our generous donors and there are still a few scholarship tickets available. If you want to attend QuinkFair but would find it difficult or impossible to pay for a full price ticket, we encourage you to apply for a scholarship ticket here. Work exchange tickets are also still available, you can request a work exchange ticket here. If you’d like to contribute to the scholarship fund, you can do so when purchasing your ticket, on Venmo to @QuinkFair, or get in touch with us at quinkfair@gmail.com to contribute via paypal, zelle, or bank transfer.