A quink is the opposite of trauma, it is a specific event (a spark) that transforms your life positively from that point onward.
There is a curious asymmetry in the English language in which words that describe negative or problematic concepts do not have named positive counterparts. Contagious, jealousy, paranoia, trauma just to name a few.
If we want to build a new world we need new words. Quink is not just part of the name of this event, it was coined to name a transformative personal experience.
What is a Quink?
- The spark of positive change
- Roughly the opposite of trauma
- An acute experience that changes life for the better
- An event after which you have lasting positive memories and capacities

Examples of Quinks
The endless process of enlightenment is perhaps the most elusive quink. Any experience which informs your understanding of self and/or world is a point, from which forward, your life is positively influenced.
Love is perhaps the most accessible, yet fickle, quink. Love’s impact has the power to change us into a state of grace AND unravel us into some tough and testy feelings. Either way, the personal and shared growth from Love can be a quink trajectory in many ways.
Kicking an addiction, be it to drugs, media, or toxic relationships, is an invitation for quink. This involves your own agreement with yourself for betterment paired with more resilience for transformation.