Call for Presenters

Bring a workshop to share!

Allowing space in your life for positive change requires awareness of the wisdom and muses you have to share and which ones you are seeking.  There are already a number of engaging and alluring workshops being offered at QuinkFair, but perhaps the most powerful or funny one is the one which you will offer!

Transformative festivals request you to show up with an offering that you share. Not just your stuff, but your self.  It might be stories about some amazing and inspiring thing you did. It might be hard-won knowledge you gained reversing oppression or rabble rousing around the climate crisis.  It might be how to play the kazoo or jump through burning hoops. You are strongly encouraged to bring musical instruments, spin fire, tell jokes, share stories and poems, improvise dance routines or show off whatever gift you’d like to let free.

Do you know how to pick a lock? Hot tips on bringing a lover to climax? How to make or acquire low cost energy saving and sustainability tech? An inside scoop on how you successfully share objects in community? Dumpster diving tips and traps? Interactive art experiences? 

We would love to hear about the content you are interested in sharing. A workshop proposal form for QuinkFair 2024 will be available in late 2023 or early 2024.