Quink Fair is being held on private land in Louisa, VA. The address of the registration entrance is 340 West Old Mountain Road, Louisa, VA 23093. The address of the parking field is 134 West Old Mountain Road, Louisa, VA 23093.
Below are directions from points east and west if you’re traveling on I-64. If you’re taking another route, put 134 West Old Mountain Road into google maps (GPS is NOT always reliable in rural areas) then follow the directions below once you’ve turned onto West Old Mountain Road (State Rte 640).
If you’re coming from the west (Charlottesville)
- Take exit 148 of I-64 and turn left onto Shannon Hill Rd (State Rte 605) heading north.
- Stay on Shannon Hill Rd (State Rte 605) for about 4 miles.
- Turn left onto West Old Mountain Road (State Rte 640).
- Proceed slowly- runners, walkers, and bikers are common on this route.
- Turn at the mailbox for 134 West Old Mountain Road and follow the signs for QuinkFair registration
If you’re coming from the east (Richmond)
- Take exit 148 of I-64 and turn right onto Shannon Hill Rd (State Rte 605) heading north.
- Stay on Shannon Hill Rd (State Rte 605) for about 4 miles.
- Turn left onto West Old Mountain Road (State Rte 640).
- Proceed slowly- runners, walkers, and bikers are common on this route.
- Turn at the mailbox for 134 West Old Mountain Road and follow the signs for QuinkFair registration